2018 TOYOTA / VIOS E (AUTO) came back again to install VPM CARSPEED CYCLONE (2pcs air intake). 🌪
Comes with lifetime original warranty certificate. Product Made in Korea!
Thanks to Mr Neo for your support to get the best in town VPM CARSPEED CYCLONE & get your car serviced. Feel the difference in improve pick-up power, quieter smoother engine and fuel efficiency! 🍃
Let us know what you feel of your new drive!
TOYOTA / VIOS E (AUTO) using CARSPEED Quick Oil Change Package GT-5W30 Group-V Polyol-Ester based Engine Oil for greater fuel saving benefits and better pick-up response only with CARSPEED 3 Steps:
(1)Oil Filter
(2)CARSPEED Superior GT 5W30
(3)40 Points Check & Labour
CARSPEED full range of products are completely safe for all vehicular makes.
Power Up your ride, Fuel Efficiency, Extra Mileage.
Hunger for more ⚡
torque response
pick up power
complete combustion
fuel efficiency
extra mileage
reduce carbon deposits - cleaner engines...
New/ Old/ Petrol/ Diesel Engines⚡
Air fuel mixture swirling effect for better complete combustion instead of partial resulting fuel wastage.
Maintenance free, best long term investments
multiple benefits...
Searching to Optimize your
Air, Sparks, Fuel, Electronics?
We have solutions for your ride.
Experience it now.
All price listed are for reference only.
For this advertisement enquiry and actual price quotation, please WhatsApp us
your name , contact and leave us your message so we will get in touch with u at your convenient timing asap.
Beware of imitation. Insist the original product warranty certificate and precision position installation for maximum guarantee effect!
Thank you,
1969 SBA
Block 2 Kaki Bukit Ave 2 #01-32 Singapore 417921. AutoHub.
https://goo.gl/maps/uoNezbdeyiR2Performance Tune Up
#vpmcarspeed #cyclone #morepowersavefuel #completecombustion #fuelefficiency #toyota #chr #camry #altis #vios #yaris #belta #wish #estima #vellfire #alphard #allion #axio #crown #markx #isis #harrier #rav4 #voxy #rush #picnic #sienta #esquire #hiace #liteace #prius #aqua #fortuner #vitz #previa #corolla #proace
2018 TOYOTA / VIOS E (AUTO) came back again to install VPM CARSPEED CYCLONE (2pcs air intake). 🌪
Comes with lifetime original warranty certificate. Product Made in Korea!
Thanks to Mr Neo for your support to get the best in town VPM CARSPEED CYCLONE & get your car serviced. Feel the difference in improve pick-up power, quieter smoother engine and fuel efficiency! 🍃
Let us know what you feel of your new drive!
TOYOTA / VIOS E (AUTO) using CARSPEED Quick Oil Change Package GT-5W30 Group-V Polyol-Ester based Engine Oil for greater fuel saving benefits and better pick-up response only with CARSPEED 3 Steps:
(1)Oil Filter
(2)CARSPEED Superior GT 5W30
(3)40 Points Check & Labour
CARSPEED full range of products are completely safe for all vehicular makes.
Power Up your ride, Fuel Efficiency, Extra Mileage.
Hunger for more ⚡
torque response
pick up power
complete combustion
fuel efficiency
extra mileage
reduce carbon deposits - cleaner engines...
New/ Old/ Petrol/ Diesel Engines⚡
Air fuel mixture swirling effect for better complete combustion instead of partial resulting fuel wastage.
Maintenance free, best long term investments
multiple benefits...
Searching to Optimize your
Air, Sparks, Fuel, Electronics?
We have solutions for your ride.
Experience it now.
All price listed are for reference only.
For this advertisement enquiry and actual price quotation, please WhatsApp us
your name , contact and leave us your message so we will get in touch with u at your convenient timing asap.
Beware of imitation. Insist the original product warranty certificate and precision position installation for maximum guarantee effect!
Thank you,
1969 SBA
Block 2 Kaki Bukit Ave 2 #01-32 Singapore 417921. AutoHub.
https://goo.gl/maps/uoNezbdeyiR2Performance Tune Up
#vpmcarspeed #cyclone #morepowersavefuel #completecombustion #fuelefficiency #toyota #chr #camry #altis #vios #yaris #belta #wish #estima #vellfire #alphard #allion #axio #crown #markx #isis #harrier #rav4 #voxy #rush #picnic #sienta #esquire #hiace #liteace #prius #aqua #fortuner #vitz #previa #corolla #proace