2021 HONDA SHUTTLE 1.5G owner just collected his brand new car a few days ago under agent warranty with only 520km mileage. Having owned a P***t throttle controller in his previous car, he wants to install VAITRIX DigiPedal Throttle Controller as it is the most responsive in the market. Enhanced vehicle response over stock and improved daily drivability!
Functions & Features:
STANDARD mode with voltage display
7 steps of ECO
13 steps of SPORT
10 seconds of SP+* (Sports Plus)
Anti-theft immobilizer
Low voltage warning
Throttle level display
Plug & Play
The uniqueness of SP+ is to provide 10 seconds of maximum throttle & vehicle response for more power, overtaking and doing launch controls.
VAITRIX. Power Unleashed!
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#Vaitrix #DigiPedal #ThrottleController #Honda #Shuttle